Monthly Sustainability Webinars


Simplifying sustainability.

Wondering what a triple bottom line business is? Or what it means to decarbonize? Or what investors and customers are expecting from your company?

We invite you to tune into the Foresight Forum, our free monthly sustainability webinars. Industry experts from Foresight Management will offer thought leadership on pertinent and timely environmental, energy, and sustainability topics through an easy-to-understand, round-table-style chat – followed by a live Q&A session. Whether you’re just dipping your toe into ESG-conscious practices or you’re a seasoned sustainability pro, you’ll find value in our discussions.

More details and registration below.



Foundational Data: What You Need and Where to Find it

Wednesday 27 | 1:00 pm ET

You absolutely cannot manage what you don’t measure. Data is the foundation of everything with sustainability. In this webinar, Mike & Danny will bring understanding to what ESG data you need, where to find it, how to collect it, and what doors begin to open when you have complete data.

Join us Wednesday, March 27, at 1:00 pm, ET!


Upcoming Webinars


April 24 | 1:00 pm ET

Strategies for Meeting Your Scope 1 & 2 Decarbonization Goals

In this webinar, we will discuss how to quantify your Scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emissions and highlight tactics and technologies for addressing them. You’ll learn how to assess the potential impact of projects, create an ROI-driven project hierarchy, and explore emerging technologies for decarbonization.



May 22 | 1:00 pm ET

Cradle to Grave: LCAs for Reducing Product Impact

In this webinar, Foresight experts will unpack the process, implications, and value of an LCA, including what data is necessary, how we compile datasets from suppliers, and how to leverage this information for more sustainable product design choices.



June 26 | 1:00 pm ET

Proven Methods for Tackling Scope 3

Policy makers, investors, and consumers are beginning to ask companies to quantify, report, and reduce these supply chain emissions – Scope 3 is even included in California’s latest climate laws. So, where do you start? This webinar will discuss how to determine the most material of the 15 categories, the insights you’ll get from a Scope 3 screening, how to begin inventorying your data, and how to engage your suppliers.



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Visit our webinar archive for recordings and resources from previous forums.