HVAC Troubleshooting



Chronic HVAC issues can be troublesome, affecting the productivity and use of your facility. Improper unit installation or control system errors can cause problems with consistent temperature regulation. In some cases, the building design creates inherent challenges for optimal HVAC function. Our energy engineers can diagnose your HVAC issues and develop a solution.


Our engineers will visit your facility to evaluate the issue, check the HVAC unit, and analyze your building plans. After determining the problem's source, we will devise potential solutions that can either be implemented by your preferred HVAC service provider or our trusted technicians.


• Optimize HVAC function and comfort levels
• Third-party engineering expertise
• Strategic troubleshooting
• Solution implementation & verification

Case Study

Client Profile
5,000 sq. ft. Open Concept Office Building

Before Foresight
This office building featured a large open concept workspace in the center of the building with three individual office spaces and conference rooms towards the front. These three rooms each had large window walls. In the summer, the front offices were much warmer than the rest of the building but much colder in the winter. One HVAC unit served the entire zone, receiving cues from the only thermostat located in a front office. Because the unit responded to the temperature in a room that was not reflective of the main space's needs, the system would regularly overheat or cool the rest of the office. The problem could not be solved simply by adjusting the controls, nor could the HVAC layout change.

After Foresight
Without the ability to reroute air or create separate thermostat zones, our engineers devised a system of dampers within the ductwork. Individual thermostats in each space controlled the dampers to close the room to unwanted airflow at any given time. This way, the HVAC system could respond to the smaller front offices' more extreme needs without overwhelming the main space. Our engineers worked alongside this company's preferred HVAC technician to implement the solution and ensure its effectiveness.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work with our HVAC contractor or your own?

We can either work with your preferred HVAC installer or we can contract one for you.

What system types do you work with?

All HVAC systems have complexities but we can deal with the full range of RTUs, boilers, chillers, geothermal, etc.

Are these high capital projects?

Most solutions are slight modifications to the current design and can be implemented at low cost.