BIFMA + Amazon Climate Pledge



by Chelsea Glisson and Floyd Wilson III


Purchasing power matters. Not only are companies pursuing their transparency certifications, but retailers are further highlighting climate-friendly brands and products. Recently, Amazon partnered with BIFMA (Business and Institutional Manufacturer's Association) to recognize LEVEL certification as part of its Climate Pledge Friendly program. BIFMA LEVEL is a multi-attribute certification program that measures the sustainability performance in the sourcing, manufacturing, and business processes companies use to make products for the built environment.

Why This Matters For Consumers

For consumers, Amazon's Climate Pledge Friendly program helps customers "discover and shop for more-sustainable products" by distinguishing third-party certified items. Amazon presently recognizes 41 certifications. Eligible products will feature the Climate Pledge Friendly label, as well as links and labels of the qualifying third-party certifications. Traditionally, BIFMA has been the north star for commercial retailers, but now there is an avenue for direct-to-consumer visibility. When purchasing furniture for your home, you will now have the ability to quickly discover BIFMA certified products.

Why This Matters For Manufacturers

For furniture manufacturers selling on the platform, this is an excellent way to promote their products. While LEVEL is widely known within the contract and commercial furniture manufacturing industry, recognition on Amazon's platform opens the door for other groups to consider the multi-attribute certification when making purchasing and design decisions.

Particularly, non-contract and commercial furniture manufacturers should take note: BIFMA certification is becoming increasingly important for differentiation in the marketplace.

Furniture manufacturers don't just need to appeal to commercial buyers; they are now consumer-facing on the world's largest platform. When individual users buy furniture from Amazon, there is now more than a dollar sign informing purchases. 

So, this holiday season... whether you're purchasing a gift for that stay-at-home worker, diligent student, or perhaps a dedicated gamer, give a gift to our planet, too, by shopping for LEVEL-certified, climate-pledge-friendly products on Amazon.


If you are a furniture manufacturer interested in pursuing a BIFMA LEVEL certification, we can help! Just contact us.