Posts in Marketplace Trends
Basics of BIFMA LEVEL Certification

First thing I remind anyone trying to understand LEVEL Certification is that it is a sustainable product certification. By LEVEL’s definition, a product certification is not a sustainable building certification like LEED or sustainable company certification like B Corp; the scope of a product certification includes a product, building and a company.

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Sustainability... Where Do We Start?

Sustainability is a business model that has taken more prominence in the business world recently. Investors like Larry Fink at BlackRock have identified sustainability as a "new standard for investing" to manage and minimize business risk. There has been a lot of buzz around defining, structuring, and organizing this new business model. At Foresight, we have been asked by many CEO, CFOs, and Vice Presidents of Sales, "Where do we start?"

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Energy Modeling

What you aim for… matters. Even if you aim at nothing, you still get what you aim for! Better to aim carefully. Energy use in a facility is “modeled” in a computational environment (i.e., software). It is a prediction of facility energy use and, just as importantly, energy cost.

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Foresight Trifecta

I’ve been providing sustainable building design consulting services for almost two decades. Most of this time has been directly collaborating with designers, engineers, contractors, and building owners. Over the years, I’ve noticed two dominant yet elusive opportunities for meaningful, amplified impact within the life cycle of any given building…

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The Energy Management Pathway

While there are many avenues for improving your facility’s energy efficiency, you must implement them in the correct order. It may be tempting to start with onsite solar to prove your enthusiasm for sustainability or appeal to your stakeholders’ requests. Still, it won’t have the RIO you intend without taking the proper steps beforehand.

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How Commissioning Can Serve Your Design Team

Back in the day, design architects and engineers were involved “cradle to grave” with new building construction. They designed the building, negotiated with the contractors, visited the site numerous times during construction, and conducted or supervised testing of everything to confirm proper installation and operation. That was the norm 50 or more years ago. But things have changed since then…

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The Future of Electricity

Have you taken time to think about how much the world has changed in the past 30 years? You are probably thinking, "Forget 30 years ago; the world from a year ago is almost unrecognizable to today." Sure, we need to wear masks and can't gather in large groups. However, 30 years ago, cell phones and the internet were just in their infancy. The pace of innovation in our society is dizzying.

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