Season 3: Energy Management Pathway
We believe that excellence in Energy Management follows a specific pathway, where each step builds upon the previous one. In Season 3, learn how to create holistic energy management at your company by Using Less, Using Smarter, then Making Your Own.
Mike Troupos
Jim Dirkes
Ryan Kerrigan
Episode 1: The Engineers Takeover Season 3!
The engineers take over the MicroVlogCast! Here's why Energy Management matters.
Episode 2: Energy Management Pathway
Jim and Ryan give a high-level explanation of the ideal Energy Management Pathway.
Episode 3: Ryan's (Gross & Impressive) Superpower
Ryan’s superpower is so gross. It's just so gross...
Episode 4: The Lowest-Hanging Fruit in Energy Efficiency
The first step is to Use Less. What's the lowest hanging fruit in energy efficiency?
Episode 5: What "Utility" Costs You the Most in Manufacturing?
What utility costs you the most in your manufacturing facility? You might be surprised.
Episode 6: Tools for Preventative Maintenance
Maintaining your building well takes effort but is the most impactful strategy to reducing your operational expenses. Here are some critical predictive maintenance approaches.
Episode 7: How to improve HVAC efficiency
Optimized, efficient HVAC is essential for your building. Start by maintaining what you have before looking into more efficient models.
Episode 8: The Lowdown on Occupancy Controls
When functioning correctly, occupancy controls have the potential to significantly reduce your utility costs.
Episode 9: Fixing the User Gap in Occupancy Controls
Part of reducing energy consumption is helping your team understand best practices in occupancy controls.
Episode 10: Understanding Demand Response
Electricity cost isn’t just usage; it’s also demand. How does a facility owner understand demand management? How do our engineers help with that?
Episode 11: What is Retro-Commissioning?
What is the difference between commissioning and retro-commissioning?
Episode 12: Make Your Own Energy: Onsite Generation
The final step is Make Your Own. Learn about the trends and advancements of onsite solar!