Special Edition: SXSW 2023
Catch Brian and Danny at South by Southwest, sharing about sustainability, interviewing innovative industry partners, and discovering new initiatives from the Midwest.
Danny McGee
Brian Pageau
Official SXSW Panel Discussion: Full video
Greening the Midwest
Episode 1: Innovation through transition
Brian catches Norm Taft of Generac after the "Greening the Midwest" panel at SXSW 2023.
Episode 2: electrification as opportunity
Hear about how Generac is embracing the electrification transition and creating products to help us all get there.
Episode 3: Foresight at SXSW
Danny and Brian weigh in from SXSW about the technology, innovation, startups, and climate tech they have discovered in Austin this week.
Episode 4: Climate Tech Roundup
Danny and Brian give a recap of the Climate Tech innovations showcased at SXSW this year.